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Quick Start Guide

Back Side Editing


Usage Tips

Button Description

Background Setting

Sort of Address Book

Apply Change


Message Entry and Editing

Share (Attach to e-mail)

Create a Template

Card Creation

Image Attachment and Editing

Exporting This Card

Utilize iCloud Drive

Postcard Type Selection

Memo Attach and Edit

Select Stamp

Exclude from Print Target

Setting of Address Field



Edit the Image or Memo Which Became the Back of the Letter View

Font Setting

Attach an Image to Letter View

Sender Information Format

Printing the Address Book

Create Sender Information

Back side Editing for Each Card

Postcard Options

Borderless Printing

Create Address Book

Enter Text on Front Side

Honorific Title Option

Import Addresses that are Not Registered in the Group

Front Side Editing


Default Honorific Title

Draw an Image on the Entire Back Side

Recipient Address Edit


Customize Honorific Title

Hide the Sender's Address and Name

Sender Address Edit

Load Data

Print Scale Adjustment

Smart Group

Postcard Information Editing




Click the button. In the page setting panel, set the target printer and paper size "postcards borderless" or "Postcard".
Click the button to display the print preparation sheet. Select "Print front side" or "Print back side".
Start printing preparation with the "Start" button. When preparation is completed, the print panel is displayed.
Print it.
When printing on one side finishes, print the other side in the above procedure.


The address and name are fictitious.


The address and name are fictitious.


The address and name are fictitious.



Click the button. Save all the data.
The save destination is in Mac and iCloud Drive.
The extension of the saved data is "pcafe".
The extension can not be changed. If you change the extension of the saved data, you can not read it.


The address and name are fictitious.

Load Data


Click the button.
It can read from iCloud Drive or Mac. Only data of postcardCafe Atelier can be read.




Click the button. Delete all data.



Search address book.
Search is done by specifying "Group column", "Name column", "Memo column", "Address column".


The address and name are fictitious.

Click the button. Specify the search target.
Click the button. Forward search.
Click the button. Bbackward search.

Sort of Address Book


The group column of the address book or the name column is the target of sorting.
If there is only one group, you can sort the name column.
If there are multiple groups, you can sort group column. You can not sort the name column.
Click on each "Column Title" for sorting.

Before sorting.

Sort by group.

image108 image109

The address and name are fictitious.

The address and name are fictitious.

Share (Attach to e-mail)


Attach the card being displayed using the sharing function to e-mail etc.
Click the "Share" button. Select whether to attach both sides or only the back side.


Click the "Done" button to display the share menu.


Choose Mail. A new mail will be displayed and the card being displayed will be attached. The file format is PDF.
If a mail address is registered in contact .app, a mail address will be attached to the destination.
Note: E-mail address will not be attached if files saved in versions prior to version 1.1.0 are read.


Exporting This Card


Export the displayed card as PDF or image.
Select "File” -> “Export this card ..." from the menu.
Choose whether you want to export both sides or only the back side. Also select the image type to export.


Click the “Done” button and the save panel will be displayed.
The exported card can be attached to e-mail or SNS.


Select Stamp


Select a stamp. Register a custom stamp.
Click the "Select Stamp" button.


Custom stamps can be dropped and registered. The stamp size is W 92 x H 92 pixels or less.
Supported image types are jpg, png, tiff, gif, bmp.

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